Shannon went to the water company again yesterday. There were two Zambians in the "customer service" line who live in our area who had not had water in months! We were thankful that it had not been months for us. Shannon was told that a water truck would come to our neighborhood "soon" to fill our tank. But things are never as easy as they sound!! The"catch" was that we must have our own ladder, pump and hose to get the water from their tank to our tank! They did call to get directions to our house but we never did see the truck. We realized how completely we are dependent upon the Lord and HIM ALONE.
Thank you to all of you who prayed with us and for us ~ asking the Lord to provide water and more importantly ~ the grace to handle having NO water. Yesterday afternoon we realized we were completely out of water. There had been not one drop of city water for almost two days. All our buckets, trash cans, tubs were empty with no way to refill them. Shannon looked at me and said, "I think we need to pray ~ right now." So, in our living room, we got on our knees before the Lord and asked Him to do what only He could do. We asked for water or for wisdom to know where to go get water, trusting Him to provide either way. As we stood up Shannon said, "Well, a lady from church said we could always get water from them, so maybe I'll just go there."
But then we heard an amazing sound! Water was pouring from the outside water tap!!!! It was even running with enough pressure that the tank started to fill!!! For about an hour or so it was a flurry of activity! We praised the Lord while filling every bucket, tub & trash can available!!! We even got baths before bed!!! Below are some pictures of that hour. And no, I did not just stand around taking pictures! I actually got to wash all the dishes and mop all the floors! It gets pretty muddy carrying water through the whole house.
We are praising the Lord for His faithfulness to provide what we need. We have been learning to praise Him for His goodness and faithfulness ~ even with no water. Shannon reminded us of a Piper quote this week that we have been realizing in a deeper way than ever before, it goes something like, "what demonstrates true love for Christ is not gratitude for His gifts, but a glad-hearted zeal to leave all of His good gifts behind just to have Him." Water is certainly a gift from the Lord! I just don't think we realized that until now!
We have also been reminded that as we are dealing with having no physical water, the Lozi are living life with out THE LIVING WATER. How much more are they in need than we are? So we press on to know Him more and share Him with those here in Zambia. The guys left today, with three men from our church here, to teach in the village. Please keep them in your prayers. Hope you enjoy these pictures. Thanks again for praying and for being such an integral part of reaching the Lozi with the precious gospel of Christ!

Morgan had the job of washing out the tubs and getting them ready for baths!

This container is full of water drawn from a boar hole here in town. When we have this water it is Nathan's job to keep all of the drinking water containers in the house filled!

Shannon filing buckets at the outside spicket.

This is a quote sent to us for our encouragement from a dear friend at home. It really meant a lot to us this week.
As long as we live, new trials will be needful. It is not that the Lord delights in grieving us and putting us to pain; on the contrary, He rejoices in the prosperity of His servants. No, it is not for His pleasure, but for our profit, that we may be made partakers of His holiness!
Perhaps you may have observed a bird, in a hedge, or upon the boughs of a tree; if you disturb it, it will move a little higher and thus you may make it change its place three or four times. But if it finds, after a few trials, that you continue to follow it, it takes wing at last and flies away!
Thus it is with us! When the Lord drives us from one creature-rest, we immediately perch upon another! But He will not allow us to stay long upon any. At length, like the bird, we are sensible that we can have no safety or stable peace below! Then our hearts take flight and soar heavenwards, and we are taught by His grace to place our treasure and affections out of the reach of earthly vanities. So far as this end is accomplished, we have reason to be thankful and say, happy rod--that brought me nearer to my God!
-- John Newton