Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dom's Bible study group

Here is a brief report covering some of the latest news from Ilwendo area in Barotseland.

1. Our dear brother Dominic Makwasa - faithful at his post. We were pleasantly surprised (shocked really) to find that Dom has been meeting with 17-20 people consistently three days a week (Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday) in a small satellite village just down the road from Dom's village. (When we say 'satellite village' we mean something similar to 'suburb' of the main village which, in this case, is Ilwendo). These people in the photo were eager for us to join them for some teaching. After the first hour-long lesson on the first day (the subject was the fear of the Lord (Matt. 10:28-31), we asked them if they needed a break, if they had had enough for one day. They responded, "This is church. This is what we came for. Please continue." And so we did. Sean taught on signs of true conversion (Matt. 7:13-23). The next day we taught for another three hours or so. During that time, people asked if playing musical instruments and dancing were acceptable forms of worship. Rather than saying 'yes' or 'no', we went through a pretty thorough examination of the Scriptures and then we directed them to go to Christ to figure it out!

2. Dom's friend, Joseph, shows signs of genuine conversion. Back in September '08, Joseph attended the Zambian Reformed Conference at Kabwata Baptist Church in Lusaka along with Dominic. Sean had a chance to sit down with Joseph and explain the gospel from Ephesians 1 and 2. He sent a list of scriptures home with Joseph. Once they were home, Joseph said to Dom, "Give me a week. I need to to examine these for myself and seek the Lord." (until recently Joseph has been a priest in the local New Apostolic group). After a week he came to Dom and said, "I believe that these Scriptures are true and I want to join your Bible study." He has been coming consistently since.

3. Dom felt convicted that he should go and speak with Chief Ilwendo, the headman of the main village about the Gospel. Dom said that, ordinarily, men are intimidated to talk to 'a man of higher rank'. But Dom and Joseph prayed for courage and then the two of them walked an hour to the chief's house. After they had greeted, Dom said, "Nduna Ilwendo, I have come to tell you about the death of Jesus Christ." After he shared the Gospel, Ilwendo said to Dom, "Give me some time. I need to examine these scriptures for myself and seek the Lord." After some time he came to Dom and said, "I believe that these scriptures are true and I want to join you for bible study." He has come four times now, walking an hour each way! This man may not be converted... yet. But it is evident that the Lord is stirring his heart.

4. Four men in Makanda are meeting together. Dom's cousin (who is also Dominic) and three other men have pulled away from the New Apostolic and Seventh Day Adventist groups that they were once a part of. They said that what they were reading in the scriptures did not match up with what was being preached from those pulpits. Makanda is six hours walk away from Ilwendo where Dom lives. He goes to visit them as he can but this is not often possible. They are largely on their own. Or are they? They have their Lozi Bibles; the Holy Spirit; a bible study book entitled "One True God," written and compiled by Bro. Paul Washer (Dom gave them a copy last year); and they have each other. And that is more than enough. Christ is capable of building His Church. Still, we are anxious to see them and encourage them in truth.

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